Ana Sayfa / Linux / Bash Script / Programmable completion

Programmable completion

Simple completion using function

_mycompletion() {
 local command_name="$1" # not used in this example
 local current_word="$2"
 local previous_word="$3" # not used in this example
 # COMPREPLY is an array which has to be filled with the possible completions
 # compgen is used to filter matching completions
 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W 'hello world' -- "$current_word") )
complete -F _mycompletion mycommand

Usage Example:

$ mycommand [TAB][TAB]
hello world
$ mycommand h[TAB][TAB]
$ mycommand hello

Simple completion for options and filenames

# The following shell function will be used to generate completions for
# the "nuance_tune" command.
_nuance_tune_opts ()
 local curr_arg prev_arg
 # The "config" option takes a file arg, so get a list of the files in the
 # current dir. A case statement is probably unnecessary here, but leaves
 # room to customize the parameters for other flags.
 case "$prev_arg" in
 COMPREPLY=( $( /bin/ls -1 ) )
 return 0
 # Use compgen to provide completions for all known options.
 COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '-analyze -experiment -generate_groups -compute_thresh -config -output
-help -usage -force -lang -grammar_overrides -begin_date -end_date -group -dataset -multiparses -
dump_records -no_index -confidencelevel -nrecs -dry_run -rec_scripts_only -save_temp -full_trc -
single_session -verbose -ep -unsupervised -write_manifest -remap -noreparse -upload -reference -
target -use_only_matching -histogram -stepsize' -- $curr_arg ) );
# The -o parameter tells Bash to process completions as filenames, where applicable.

complete -o filenames -F _nuance_tune_opts nuance_tune

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