Sharding Environment Setupa
Sharding Group Members :
For sharding there are three players.
- Config Server
- Replica Sets
- Mongos
For a mongo shard we need to setup the above three servers.
Config Server Setup : add the following to mongod conf file
clusterRole: configsvr
replSetName: <setname>
run : mongod –config
we can choose config server as replica set or may be a standalone server. Based on our requirement we can choose the best. If config need to run in replica set we need to follow the replica set setup
Replica Setup : Create replica set // Please refer the replica setup
MongoS Setup : Mongos is main setup in shard. Its is query router to access all replica sets
Add the following in mongos conf file
configDB: <configReplSetName>/;
Configure Shared :
Connect the mongos via shell (mongo –host –port )
- sh.addShard( “/”)
- sh.enableSharding(“”)
- sh.shardCollection(“< database >.< collection >”, { < key > : < direction > } )
- sh.status() // To ensure the sharding