Ana Sayfa / Linux / Bash Script / Pattern matching and regular expressions

Pattern matching and regular expressions

Get captured groups from a regex match against a string

a='I am a simple string with digits 1234'
pat='(.*) ([0-9]+)'
[[ "$a" =~ $pat ]]
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"


I am a simple string with digits 1234
I am a simple string with digits

Behaviour when a glob does not match anything


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

In case the glob does not match anything the result is determined by the options nullglob and failglob. If neither of them are set, Bash will return the glob itself if nothing is matched

$ echo no*match

If nullglob is activated then nothing (null) is returned:

$ shopt -s nullglob
$ echo no*match

If failglob is activated then an error message is returned:

$ shopt -s failglob
$ echo no*match
bash: no match: no*match

Notice, that the failglob option supersedes the nullglob option, i.e., if nullglob and failglob are both set, then –
in case of no match – an error is returned.

Check if a string matches a regular expression

Check if a string consists in exactly 8 digits:

$ date=20150624
$ [[ $date =~ ^[0-9]{8}$ ]] && echo "yes" || echo "no"
$ date=hello
$ [[ $date =~ ^[0-9]{8}$ ]] && echo "yes" || echo "no"

Regex matching

s='I am a string with some digits 1024'
[[ $s =~ $pat ]] # $pat must be unquoted
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"


I am a string with some digits 1024

Instead of assigning the regex to a variable ($pat) we could also do:

[[ $s =~ [^0-9]+([0-9]+) ]]

The [[ $s =~ $pat ]] construct performs the regex matching
The captured groups i.e the match results are available in an array named BASH_REMATCH
The 0th index in the BASH_REMATCH array is the total match
The i’th index in the BASH_REMATCH array is the i’th captured group, where i = 1, 2, 3 …

The * glob


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

The asterisk * is probably the most commonly used glob. It simply matches any String

$ echo *acy
macy stacy tracy

A single * will not match files and folders that reside in subfolders

$ echo *
emptyfolder folder macy stacy tracy
$ echo folder/*
folder/anotherfolder folder/subfolder

The ** glob


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -s globstar

Bash is able to interpret two adjacent asterisks as a single glob. With the globstar option activated this can be used
to match folders that reside deeper in the directory structure

echo **
emptyfolder folder folder/anotherfolder folder/anotherfolder/content
folder/anotherfolder/content/deepfolder folder/anotherfolder/content/deepfolder/file
folder/subfolder folder/subfolder/content folder/subfolder/content/deepfolder
folder/subfolder/content/deepfolder/file macy stacy tracy

The ** can be thought of a path expansion, no matter how deep the path is. This example matches any file or
folder that starts with deep, regardless of how deep it is nested:

$ echo **/deep*
folder/anotherfolder/content/deepfolder folder/subfolder/content/deepfolder

The ? glob


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

The ? simply matches exactly one character

$ echo ?acy
$ echo ??acy
stacy tracy

The [ ] glob


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

If there is a need to match specific characters then ‘[]’ can be used. Any character inside ‘[]’ will be matched exactly once.

$ echo [m]acy
$ echo [st][tr]acy
stacy tracy

The [] glob, however, is more versatile than just that. It also allows for a negative match and even matching ranges of characters and characterclasses. A negative match is achieved by using ! or ^ as the first character following [. We can match stacy by

$ echo [!t][^r]acy

Here we are telling bash the we want to match only files which do not not start with a t and the second letter is notan r and the file ends in acy.

Ranges can be matched by seperating a pair of characters with a hyphen (-). Any character that falls between those two enclosing characters – inclusive – will be matched. E.g., [r-t] is equivalent to [rst]

$ echo [r-t][r-t]acy
stacy tracy

Character classes can be matched by [:class:], e.g., in order to match files that contain a whitespace

$ echo *[[:blank:]]*
file with space

Matching hidden files


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

The Bash built-in option dotglob allows to match hidden files and folders, i.e., files and folders that start with a .

$ shopt -s dotglob
$ echo *
file with space folder .hiddenfile macy stacy tracy

Case insensitive matching


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

Setting the option nocaseglob will match the glob in a case insensitive manner

$ echo M*
$ shopt -s nocaseglob
$ echo M*

Extended globbing

Version ≥ 2.02


$ mkdir globbing
$ cd globbing
$ mkdir -p folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/
touch macy stacy tracy "file with space" folder/{sub,another}folder/content/deepfolder/file
$ shopt -u nullglob
$ shopt -u failglob
$ shopt -u dotglob
$ shopt -u nocaseglob
$ shopt -u extglob
$ shopt -u globstar

Bash’s built-in extglob option can extend a glob’s matching capabilities

shopt -s extglob

The following sub-patterns comprise valid extended globs:

  • ?(pattern-list) – Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
  • *(pattern-list) – Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
  • +(pattern-list) – Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
  • @(pattern-list) – Matches one of the given patterns
  • !(pattern-list) – Matches anything except one of the given patterns

The pattern-list is a list of globs separated by |.

$ echo *([r-t])acy
stacy tracy

$ echo *([r-t]|m)acy
macy stacy tracy

$ echo ?([a-z])acy

The pattern-list itself can be another, nested extended glob. In the above example we have seen that we can
match tracy and stacy with *(r-t). This extended glob itself can be used inside the negated extended glob !(pattern-list) in order to match macy

$ echo !(*([r-t]))acy

It matches anything that does not start with zero or more occurrences of the letters r, s and t, which leaves only
macy as possible match.

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